Wednesday 1 July 2015

traditional cloth

.Yashmagh is name of the thing man put to cover his head. It is made by woman hand tailoring

Traditional cloth of Dhofari Men(Jabali ). It includes a shirt and Wazar which are handmade . They are also wear a dagger and bring a gun with a small bag made from animal leather to keep 
.their tools inside it. The bag locally called Haban

Dhofari people speciallyJabali consist of tribal society and the big tribes are Mahri Shahari ,Kathiri and Hakli . Those people have special languages called Jabali and Mahri .They live in Dhofar Province which is located in the southern region of Oman and East corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Jabali people still live simple life on the mountain with their Cows ,camels and goats these are the source of food and income of those local people . They are generous and honest people.They still
.maintain their dress and customs    

Zvari uniforms for women

Women in Dhofar wear address called locally Thoob . Also, they paint and draw different lines and shapes on their faces to be pretty . It is a kind of traditional make up from plants and nature . They make from in different
.social events such as wedding ,Eid ,parties ... etc
The head cover (Sheila): consists of a piece of cloth hanging down to below the chest and is made up of several colors and are usually of:  beautiful forms
.and pulls the beholder homogeneous

Kids wearing nice clothes where the women work different forms of designs. Clothing consists of a dye Indigo. And this dye has special benefits. Women use hand-made cosmetic material. It has good
.and natural materials

1 comment:

  1. i like the material Which make her clothe ...
    i think their use material that in their environment ...
