Sunday 5 July 2015

Craft Industries

Dhofar has crafts , traditional industries and arts ,for example: carpentry, blacksmithing, grazing, livestock, agriculture and trade. it has industries like  Boat  industry, pottery, dairy products, fishing nets, sweets, gold ,silver industry, wood and leather industry.

Magmar is a burner made of red clay in the typical rectangular shape. The clay is from Dhofar. It is too brittle to be turned, so pottery to transform it into rectangular shapes and fill it with many holes to create a jewelry product. These pottery burners are made by women in the southern Dhofar region. The patterns are traditional. The Dhofar terracotta pottery is easy to recognize its intense red color, which is made by firing in an open fire. the seller burnes a fire to check the customer's pleasant of the Magmar and to show them the high quality of it. therefore, the Magmar is ready to for burning frankincense.

 Dhofar is characterized by craftsmanship with industries, especially in the state of Salalah and Sadah and Thumrait made the most important thing there incinerators (censers) attractive and colorful, and bowls of water and other materials required by the people and the needs of visitors and tourists, in particular, is done manually without the wheel in addition to industry pottery decorated by individuals highly efficient and they make forms such as boats, cars and planes.

Thursday 2 July 2015

dhofar mountain

Dhofar is characterized by beautiful mountains where inhabited Aljebalin. It is known for its population of mountain folks breeding animals, especially Cows and sheep. There are a lot of mountains in the province of Dhofar and the most famous Jebel Samhan,Jabal Qara and Jabal

The oldest of settled this mountain tribes are native to the region since ancient times, then settled later other tribes presented in historical periods simultaneous tribes Al-Omar.The population living in the mountains economy depends on seasonal livestock and agriculture mainly breeding, as there is a simple production of dairy products, honey, meat sale .In recent years become a trade and tourism projects share in the economic activities in the mountain.

From the most important seasonal crops in the Dhofar Mountains lemon and sugar cane, and some vegetables for daily consumption. Some extracts (wild mushrooms) which is spreading in some places. As well as the seeds of some plants that grows in the foothills.

Dhofar Mountains is a favorite tourist destination for many local tourists, and coming from the Arab Gulf states, especially in the autumn season, where green pastures and valleys of water and eyes made up, and the most favorite tourist destinations Mount Darbat,Mount Hmrer , Mount Etienne and Ain Hamran .

Dhofar Mountains is the best place for tourism

Wednesday 1 July 2015

traditional cloth

.Yashmagh is name of the thing man put to cover his head. It is made by woman hand tailoring

Traditional cloth of Dhofari Men(Jabali ). It includes a shirt and Wazar which are handmade . They are also wear a dagger and bring a gun with a small bag made from animal leather to keep 
.their tools inside it. The bag locally called Haban

Dhofari people speciallyJabali consist of tribal society and the big tribes are Mahri Shahari ,Kathiri and Hakli . Those people have special languages called Jabali and Mahri .They live in Dhofar Province which is located in the southern region of Oman and East corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Jabali people still live simple life on the mountain with their Cows ,camels and goats these are the source of food and income of those local people . They are generous and honest people.They still
.maintain their dress and customs    

Zvari uniforms for women

Women in Dhofar wear address called locally Thoob . Also, they paint and draw different lines and shapes on their faces to be pretty . It is a kind of traditional make up from plants and nature . They make from in different
.social events such as wedding ,Eid ,parties ... etc
The head cover (Sheila): consists of a piece of cloth hanging down to below the chest and is made up of several colors and are usually of:  beautiful forms
.and pulls the beholder homogeneous

Kids wearing nice clothes where the women work different forms of designs. Clothing consists of a dye Indigo. And this dye has special benefits. Women use hand-made cosmetic material. It has good
.and natural materials

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Dhofari people

Most of the people of Dhofar language Alshehri proportion to Shahri the country's population of indigenous tribes, a return to the country of Shahr who lived in this region, and is located Dhofar province in the southern region of Oman and East corner of the Arabian Peninsula, and has a current Dhofar area by geographical divisions of 125 thousand square kilometers, six hundred kilometers long and four hundred kilometers, and see that the people of Dhofar current area much less than the country's old Shahr area that extended from Ras al Hadd part of Hadramout.

Diversity of nature in Dhofar reflected on humans and began each group calling itself not only depending on the origin and tribal divisions, but based on the nature understanding sometimes Jebalian his tumor and mostly rural people Shahar, which means the old Hadramaut Coas.

Dhofari people specially Jabali consist of tribal society and the big tribes are Mahri ,Shahari ,Kathiri and Hakli . Those people have special languages called Jabali "Shahri"and Mahri .They live in Dhofar Province which is located in the southern region of Oman and East corner of the Arabian Peninsula, and has a current Dhofar area by geographical divisions of 125 thousand square kilometers. Jabali people still live simple life on the mountain with their Cows ,camels and goats these are the source of food and income of those local people . They are generous and honest.They still maintain their dress and customs .

Monday 29 June 2015

Traditional and folk arts in Dhofar

Dhofar province with more than 20 art popularly all reflect the Omani link to their land and country and civilization. Those folk dances featuring great specificity in terms of the local dialect performed by or in terms of traditional dress and movements performed by the participants during the jump and stick movements and swords. This news story will highlight on the visions of Omani citizens about Some Dhofari folk tales.

Folklore music and dance provide a remarkable insight into the Sultanate’s cultural legacy. Each region has distinct folklore traditions, portraying the cultural milieu of that particular area. On all important occasions whether Eid, National Day or festivals, the Omani people collectively organise chaste traditional dances and other forms of folklore, which vary in their format from region to region. There are a lot of traditional arts in Dhofar, most notably: bara, Alhbot, explanation, parents, for Olay,art and which is characterized by the people of the mountain, especially the art of

 Alhbot is in Dhofar one of the prestigious arts. Characterized by words expressive. Consists of Alhbot of a group of people where to line up participants one line, begin by elderly and ends with youth carrying swords and guns. And daggers in the form of a terrible procession, led by a number of young people have their swords and daggers as they jumped in the air leaps courage as if they declare for the arrival of the procession.  The art Alhbot of the most important artistic rituals that are not abandoned them occasion’s weddings and celebrations and national holidays. In Alhbot Participants carrying their weapons from rifles and swords on the shoulder, as well as daggers and sometimes Mahazem. Purposes Alhbot like poetry purposes and from these purposes: pride and welcome and farewell, wisdom and conciliation, mediation and accept the invitation. Al Habbot is a lyrical journey, during which the participants line up in the ranks of a short cross-sectional read each other by a special regulation. The elderly and the Senate in the foreground behind the rest of the participants gradually until the formation rows youth young people at the end. in Al Habbot Participants carry their weapons - swords and guns and daggers, led by a number of young people carrying swords and daggers as jumping in the air while playing with local private leaps swords and daggers.



Is the art of cheerful young people performed two - together - has grabbed each Boukngerh in his right hand while holding the left fixed dshdacha when the waist. In "Burah" movement might be a strong jump high one foot off the ground and moving players movement compatible progressing and spins each on the same course in full specific moment together for the band performed their singing and adjust the tempo. It consists band that lead the art "Burah" from player to "stalk" and two - or more - of beat drum Almarwas a drum small and two - or more - of  drum Diaspora, large reddish one on tambourine small .  And lead "Burah" on every occasion where young people meet for Samar In events pleasant  social and other most of the songs performed in the "Burah" are spinning. Walking men chanting voices and words in dialect Aljebalih among Organization and leaps potency and enthusiasm and wearing distinctive clothing Aljebalih.

Al Raboba is the most famous classical and romantic Dhofari folklore dance. The costume used in each performance varies. Male dancers wear colourful turbans   T-shirts and cross belts attached to ammunition belts while girls are dressed in bright costumes and the troupe is backed by an orchestra comprising instrumentalists and vocalists.

Monday 22 June 2015

Popular food

Dhofari people dry a meat after cutting it and they dry it in open place to exposure to sun and air. Slicer is in the form of strips and then mixed with spices and the meat is then put into a long rope and connects in a tree under the sun to dry and mixed with spices to give the meat a wonderful taste when cooked.

Almjeen of traditional popular dishes served in events and holidays and retains its value and
suitability of food for a long time without spoil and cooking stuffed camels or cows or sheep.It is a pure meat without Bones fat and a pinch of salt.

It cleans well and cut the meat into thin slices called Almkiaded.
Put on the ropes until exposed to sunlight and air for nearly a whole day with her heart on the other side to dry on both sides.Cut the meat into small pieces and also cut grease into small pieces and then placed in a large saucepan and raised on fire .leave fat until it melts completely. The meat is added to the boiling grease and leaves on fire with constant stirring until it becomes brown in color. Add salt before maturity. Raises on fire and stir well a little bit of time until the meat is mixed with fat and when it is cool.Store them in a bowl  well in order to maintain it and then progress to eat cold.


Alquboli cup of rice and a kilo grams of meat consists preferably thigh meat and a large onion and garlic clove my margarine and salt - Bharat consists of black pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon,
.cloves and  fried nuts - raisins - pine - Luz
Wash rice and soak in water. And then cut the meat into large pieces and leaves boiled in water And then placed over low heat until cooked. Then lifted from the water and holds it aside. And leave the onions in margarine and garlic and spices. of then add the rice and stir with small amounts of Aazaafran. Then add gravy  to rice .And put the rice in a large tray with meat and buried it  in rice,put the  onions reddish

Modhbi of popular dishes which is famous Dhofar and frequently during the preparation of this class trips to the mountain and the open where the fun outdoors and nice atmosphere, as in the longer events and holidays.

Ingredients It consists of a complete carcass (a sheep, for example) or part of it - a pinch of salt - and it must be clean stones.

Put the meat on a high heat coals.Where it works to mature the meat well.This method is popular ways to mature the meat.This method is used heavily when the population of the mountain.

Two older cook Modbhi

Barbecue put spices on the cut of meat, and placed inside a bag made of palm fronds bag and put it inside with banana meat and mango leaves, and sew in a good way and then thrown into the pit prepared in advance and kept in a wood pit and start a fire and throw the meat with the bag and the 
.court document in a way with a cover of iron